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Apartment interior design tips for single men starts with an accent wall. An accent wall will pull in the interest of anyone when initially entering the room. This is especially effective in the small living area of an apartment where there is an untidy coffee table displaying last nights pizza meal or clothes on the floor, that didn't make it to the laundry basket.

What exactly is an accent wall? It's one wall in a room painted with a mural or contrasting color. It could also be wall papered or mirrored. As long as it's different from the rest of the walls in the room - it becomes an accent.

One word of warning, if you choose to paint the walls a different color over the existing wall color in the apartment, check with your landlord to discuss options or leasing restrictions.

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

Apartment Interior Design

The last apartment interior design tip for single men is of a more practical nature. Hire a cleaning lady! The benefits of having someone clean your apartment once or twice a month will far outweigh the $45 to $125 this will cost you each week. Schedule the cleaning while at work. Returning to a fresh clean apartment after a long day at work is always a pleasant reward.
